Photo Gallery



New Technology

This summer, the team introduced the children to some new technology.  One of the first projects was installing an updated computer lab for the school.  The children were excited to get on the new computers.  The next step was introducing them to new software.  Their favorite was "Kidspiration", an powerful educational program purchased to be used by the students to practice new skills. 


Children of the King

Born into a world that considered them flawed and disposable, the children had little hope for a future.  Now they have learned that they are  children of God, that He loves them and has a purpose for their lives.


A New World

Once discarded by society, the children at Sam's Place are discovering a new life. Most arrived with no language, having spent their lives in a world void of communication.  Now the children are learning Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) and have the tools to express themselves.  They are learning about the world around them and are developing friendships.