Teacher Salary Fund

Goal: $35,000


Student Success

The students at Sam's Place have demonstrated tremendous growth - socially, academically and spiritually. This growth is largely due to the incredible work of our teaching staff.

Typical lessons involve having the children copy notes from the chalkboard into an exercise book and then answering questions or solving problems.  In order to maximize the learning potential of our students, we have challenged them to learn new and more effective ways to instruct Deaf children.


Every summer, team members provide training to the teaching staff at Sam's Place. This includes training on using manipulatives, visual aids and hands-on activities to aid in student comprehension. Teachers also learn about integrating technology into their lessons. They use laptops and projectors to provide visual examples of new concepts.


well-trained teachers

Our teachers are continually trained in best practice techniques for teaching Deaf children. Because of this training, our teaching staff is the envy of other schools. Because of their extensive training, our teachers are qualified for highly sought after jobs working in government schools. These prized jobs offer higher pay and better benefits than most teaching positions, but require years of experience to obtain. The additional training we provide our teachers makes them especially attractive to other programs. We have a fantastic team of dedicated, well-trained teachers. They love our children and go above and beyond what is required to help our children succeed. We do not want to lose these teachers to other schools simply because our compensation packages are not competitive. 

we trained them - Let's keep them

We have implemented a five-year, “tiered” pay scale for our teachers. If they continue to work at Sam’s Place, completing training and gathering experience, their pay will increase. This includes increases in base pay, housing stipend, transportation stipend, and other benefits. The goal is, after five years, a teacher would be making a salary competitive with a government teaching job. A fundraising campaign for teacher salaries is underway. The goal is to raise $35,000 toward these increases in teacher salaries and benefits. To make a donation to this campaign, click on the donate button above and follow the instructions.